Tuesday, February 08, 2005

21 Weeks

I was right, you were teething. Yesterday I noticed you had a tiny sharp spot on your front bottom gums (Dad and I call them your platelets). Today after I got back from one of my two days of work this month, I could see small white slits peeking through your soft gums. When you bit down on my finger it felt sharp! It's exciting -- you getting your first teeth -- but also a little bittersweet. You're growing up! And so fast! I just love your gummy smile... I'll be a little sad to see it go.

Not last night but the night before you slept for almost 6 hours straight. That was the first time in almost a month! I wonder if now that your first teeth are done hurting you'll sleep better. Not that it's too bad, though. I count myself lucky that I don't get out of bed in the cold night. I can hear your breath next to me (and your little squeaks when you wake up at 1am!).

Right now you're sitting in front of Dad's fishtank while he cleans it. You're making a wide repertoire of noises. Squealing, yelling, ahhhing, la la ing. You sound so happy. Dad says you're talking to the fish... a marine biologist in the making?

I've been checking out a great website lately about babies and parenting: www.askdrsears.com It has lots of advice that I love and take to heart when I wonder about your growing self.


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