Sunday, July 16, 2006

22 Months

Your sister was born exactly one week after I last posted -- June 18. I was in the hospital for a little over 2 days, after laboring for over 16 hours. You stayed with Nana for two nights and dad for one, then I came home.

Anna is one month old today. Things have been going better than I anticipated. I guess I was very worried about having two kids -- and it is hard sometimes, but overall it is fine. We have very, very little "down" time. It seems like we're always caring for one or the other of you. We might have an hour at night when we can read or talk, but that's about it! Otherwise it's 24/7 baby/toddler time... which mostly I love, and try to get pleasure out of every word, giggle, naked bottom, etc. It's difficult when both of you need me, or when both of you want to nurse, but those moments are few when I look at an entire day, or week.

You've regressed a little in your sleeping, and are more restless than usual, although you have been sleeping later -- like 7 in the morning or even 7:30! Heaven!

Anna is your exact opposite when it comes to sleeping. Two nights ago she slept ALL NIGHT LONG. Can you believe it? A 4 week old breastfed baby sleeping ALL NIGHT? Unheard of! Rare! Amazing! Before that she had been sleeping a good 5-6 hour stretch, and then nursing once, and then sleeping a while again. I don't think you hardly ever did that... maybe you did when you were around 5 mo. old, but it's a hazy memory. Of course, Anna might drastically change her tune but I'm enjoying it while I can.

Speaking of sleep... I'm off to get some.

Oh, you're talking a lot more now. You can say almost any word we ask you to. Tony's favorite -- he taught you how to say "ocean" but you say it "oshy." :) Cute!


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