Sunday, August 14, 2005


Wow -- I can't believe that you're almost a year old. It's amazing and seems to have gone by so fast. I am going back to work in only two weeks, and I'm nervous about leaving you every day, but sort of excited to be teaching again. I really hope that you do well at daycare and with Jen and Caleb.

You can really walk now. The past couple weeks you've become a pro and will cruise around everywhere. You don't run yet, but I'm sure that will be close behind. You toddle around between rooms, and don't hesitate to go around the corner into the dark bathroom even if nobody is around.

You like to get into cupboards, and explore new things. You really like to get outside and walk around on the deck and climb on your little toddler slide. You've been super interested in climbing things lately. Just tonight you were trying to climb on your toys and up your little bookshelf.

You're babbling more and make a very wide range of sounds, including whispers, grunts, rasberries, and what sounds like, "WHOA and WOW." It's very cute. You say those when you see something you really like, so I almost wonder if you know what they mean... :). I'm eagerly anticipating your first word, though since you are working on motor skills so much you may not talk until later. Looking back at my baby book I found that I talked at a year (several words) but didn't really walk until 11 months, so I must have been a more verbal child.

Sometimes lately you can be quite fussy. Sort of hard to please, and I find myself just not sure what you want. You seem to want to be picked up, then put down, then you get mad again. Sometimes it is really frustrating. You seem to be less fussy for dad, and I'm not sure why that is. But when you start to get upset he often puts you in the backpack and does yardwork, which distracts you quite well.

You are getting several molars right now, and they seem to bother you off and on. I can see the swollen bumps in your mouth, and little pieces of white teeth. I wonder if you'll be done teething by 18 months!! It would be amazing but great. Oh, and you HATE to have your teeth brushed...

Our sleeping arrangement is overall working quite well and we're all happy about it most of the time. We give you a bath (with lavendar oil...) and then get PJs on and teeth brushed, then you play for about a half hour and then Tony rocks you to sleep at about 9. You sleep in your room on your mattress for about 3-4 hours, then you usually wake up and you come into bed with us for the rest of the night. You might stir one more time before morning, or if you're having a bad night more than that. Sometimes we give you motrin if you seem to be teething badly. Overall, though, I love it, even though sometimes you still nurse a lot at night. I've been reading more and more about the benefits of cosleeping and believe even more strongly in it.

Well, next time I post I will have been working for a while.... crossing my fingers for it to work out well...


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