Tuesday, April 19, 2005


You're a little over 7 months old now. Not a whole lot new to report, except that you are furiously trying to crawl. You still don't quite have it down yet, although if you really want to move to get something you can do it, with lots of concentration. You don't move up on your hands and knees, although you can easily get up on all fours. You scootch and squirm on your belly, reaching out with all your might to get the phone or the TV controller or whatever piques your interest.

I turned 29 on Saturday and we went out to stay in a yurt on the coast. You had lots of fun. Spent lots of time outside in the Snugli and on a blanket on the floor of the yurt. You also spent lots of time in your carseat as it was a four hour drive there and back. The way there you were fine, but on the way back you were tired of it. I don't blame you!

You are very unpredictable as far as sleeping goes. One night you'll sleep great, the next night you'll wake up at 2am bright eyed and bushy tailed. Whew! It's hard sometimes! You are such a little fireball -- you have a hard time turning your brain and body off. That and you're teething like crazy -- your fourth one came in about a week ago. The bottom left incisor. Those top two front teeth still aren't here, but I'm sure that will be soon. They're swollen and white, just about ready to pop through. That contributes a lot to your occassional fussiness and sleeplessness. Dad and I are just trying to roll with it, knowing that "this too shall pass."

New pictures soon!


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