Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Anna almost 2, Thor 3 and 3/4!

In almost a month Anna will be TWO! It's amazing really, I can't believe it. She is so hilarious and sweet -- really such a perfect little girl. She is talking a lot, putting two words together. She says at least 40 words I'd guess, many of them in a cute Anna way. For "paci" she says "papi." For "moose" she says "moop." For "water" she says "wawey." And lots of other special Anna-isms. Anna sleeps really well now, sometimes sleeping all night in her own bed. She doesn't nurse at night anymore, and I didn't really nightwean her, she just quit doing it about a month ago. Some of Anna's favorite things are eating -- she loves to eat and will eat almost anything. She especially loves olives, avocados, cereal, frozen peas, noodles, and oranges. Both Thor and Anna have discovered that they love garlicky ceasar salad. Yes, I think that is weird. But both of them will eat an entire bowl. Anna also loves to play in the car outside, take baths, run around with Thor, and watch birds and animals. The only time she nurses is at night before bed, maybe 5 min or so.
Thor is really becoming a little boy. He is very funny, very energetic, and smart. He plays quite well with Anna, and is still so good at climbing and running and very active things. Lately we went to a circus and Thor was very impressed. He also loves dressing up and loves magic wands, hats, dresses, anything magic-like. He's learning more and more letters and numbers. He loves to read and to have us make up stories for him. Thor is also so sweet, and often says, "Mama, I love you!" And he sings good morning songs and gives hugs and loves to be cuddly.

We have so much fun with you both. And guess what? Another baby on the way around Halloween! Probably a sister... :)


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