Monday, February 06, 2006

Thor outside, 16 months. Posted by Picasa

A Wee Bit Shy of 17 Months

Well, Daddy's in Los Angeles on a business trip, you're snoozing in your bed, your sister is rocking around in her comfy uterus hammock, and I'm thinking about what a cool little person you are.

You are starting to "talk" more, but it's with your hands. All of a sudden you started doing sign language, and now do it all the time. You can sign "more," "eat," "all done," "me," "you," and "where is." Mostly I can totally understand what you are saying, but sometimes you seem to use some signs to mean different things. Like sometimes you sign "more" when you mean "yes." Or you sign "where is" and I don't really know what you mean. Maybe I just don't know what you're looking for at that moment... :) I think you remembered lots of the signs from when we were teaching them to you between 7-12 months, but also you've learned some from daycare. It's great that you can do them -- and so fun to watch.

Your little brain is processing language like crazy, I can tell. You mouth words, whisper things, and mimic sounds all the time. But rarely do you make a word that we recognize, yet. It's coming soon, though, because tonight we were leaving Nana's and Claire's and I was saying "Bye bye" to them and you said, "Buh buh." So, you're getting there!

After not being sick at all your first year, I think you're making up for it. Since Christmas, it seems like you've been sort of sick off and on the whole time. Snot factory, coughing, little fevers. Poor guy, I feel so bad for you. You even did a round of antibiotics but it didn't seem to help. Oh, and you had pink eye too but that went away pretty quickly and it was never bad. I partly wonder if it's because you don't really nurse anymore, or at least if you do I don't have any milk left. So you're not getting those great, superpowered antibodies from me anymore... and the sicknesses have really coincided with the nursing drop off. The worst thing is when you have a coughing fit, then gag and throw up! You don't seem to mind too much, though, but ... yuck.

Oh, and I can't believe I forgot to post this right away: You slept ALL night long last night! I think it's the first time you've slept all night without at least a pat or something from me or dad. You snuggled up by me all sweet and cozy, rolled around a little, but really slept from about 8:30-6am. Amazing! Of course, I still didn't sleep that well, but hey, comes with the territory... :)

Dad and I have been tossing around names for your little sister to come. Eva, Nova, Julia, Elizabeth, Evelyn... we're just all over the place and probably won't make a decision for a while. I wonder what you'll be like when she's born. Still just a little guy...