21 months
I thought for sure your sister would be here by now but she's taking her time, apparently. I'm now officially 41 weeks pregnant... a week over her due date. Although due dates aren't completely precise, so I'm trying to remain patient, which is difficult! She can't be more than a week away.
You are getting to be so big, and when I look at you lately I can't believe how quickly you're growing up. In some of your recent pictures you look like such a little boy rather than the baby you were so recently.
New news: You say more words lately, but aren't really "talking" yet. I'll try to think of the new words you can say, along with the ones I've already posted. Some might be repeats -- tea, otter ("argh"), cookie (the cutest word you say), papa (grandpa), "too too" (train), mine, more, milk, ice, no (you're a pro at this one), shoes, winst (winston), kitty, dog, bike, mow mow (lawn mower), hot, pee pee, poo, nose... and there are probably more. You growl when you see a tiger, lion, or fox, and you can meow and moo. One of the funniest things you say is "no." I guess it's the way you say it that is funny. If you're taking a bath and I ask if you want to get out, you shake your head seriously and say, "No!?" in a sort of questioning way.
What do you love to do lately... you like to swing a lot. We go to the park and you can swing for what seems like forever. You hate to get out. You also love to play with other kids, and have lots of fun with your friend Caleb. You show him all your toys and you both run around on the deck. You also love to go out in the backyard with the chickens. You run around barefoot and chase them, and push your toy lawn mower around. You like to watch bees and spiders and any insect. Dad catches bees in a jar with a holey lid and you listen to them and get a kick out of it. You like to play in the garage and rummage around in dad's stuff and find weird things to play with. You also love to climb the ladder and dad helps you.
You are still very snuggley with me and are still a baby in that way. You love to be rocked and will let me rock you for at least an hour in the morning, which is a little uncomfortable since I'm 41 weeks pregnant. You also still want to nurse a lot, but I am really trying to limit you. I don't mind still doing it, but am a little nervous about tandem nursing, and would really like it if you'd cut back to naptime and bedtime. That's my goal. You like your paci a lot, so that's good.
You sleep much better now -- I think in the past week you've slept all night 4-5 times. If you do wake up it's usually only once quickly. You wake up way early in the morning, though. Usually by 6am. You're asleep normally by 8.
Well, that's all for now. Maybe I'll go into labor tonight? :)