Friday, October 05, 2007

Thor turned 3, Anna almost 16 months

Where to start...

Anna is starting to talk. She can say Mama, Dada, Poo Poo (her favorite), Up, Eye, and Hot (sort of). She also signs "more," "eat," and "all done." She is going to be in the circus some day, I swear. We cannot keep her on the floor. She climbs everything, and balances precariously on the edges of things. It's like this insatiable urge she has... and if you pull her off of her circus act she melts down. She climbs into her own high chair, climbs on the diningroom table, climbs into chairs and onto end tables, climbs onto bar stools, and attempts to climb trees outside. It's crazy! I remember Thor climbing too, but not this much.

Thor is lately really into climbing trees. He'll climb 8 ft. up in a tree if you let him, and then hang out there for a good 20 minutes. It actually makes me really nervous. He doesn't understand what could happen if he fell out. He certainly doesn't have any concept of broken bones or anything of the sort. So we try to keep him out of the high trees and instead let him climb the alders in the yard which are a lot safer and smaller.

It's great living at Eileen's -- the kids love the chickens and the horses. Thor goes into the chicken coop by himself and gathers the eggs on his own, talking sweetly to the chickens and commenting on how nice and warm the eggs are after he reaches under the chickens to grab them out. He also always wants to "ride" the horses -- we just put him on their backs bareback and he sits there (not riding of course).

I'm hoping we can find some good friends for Thor & Anna. I think Thor misses playing with his friends back in Bothell. Tony takes the kids to the Boys and Girls club here, and there is a kid's swimming time and library time, so those are good for being around other kids, but we don't know very many of the kids by first name, so it's not really the same. It will take time I suppose.