Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Your 5 month birthday was yesterday. How quickly you change! Two days ago you were laying on the floor in the living room and I was playing with you, sticking out my tongue at you and laughing. Dad was watching. Then, you looked right at me very seriously and stuck your tongue out at me. It sounds silly but it was amazing! I've never seen you so responsive before -- mimicking our expressions. Then last night at about 8:30 (which is late for you!), you were really getting your tongue out of your mouth, sucking on it, moving it around, and when I copied you you laughed out loud. You kept laughing, thinking it was so funny that I was doing what you were doing, or vice versa.

Last night grandma janis babysat you while Dad and I went to a dinner, but you got really unhappy and then we came home and you stopped crying right when I held you. I think you're getting really smart, and are starting to know when I leave. That's the first time it's really happened.

Grandpa frank came and visited from Alaska. He had fun holding you and playing with you. He took you for a walk while I had my hair cut down in Seattle. Also, you got to meet Great Grandma Margie and Great Aunts Peggy & Eileen. They all thought you are such a cute guy.

You take lots of naps lately, at least every 2 or 3 hours you are nodding off in my arms or in the car or while nursing. You seem to still be tired at night, though, and really don't wake up (wide awake) at night at all. You rouse a little bit and grunt and will cry if I don't move you around or rearrange your covers or nurse you. But I think you are still halfway asleep and usually fall back asleep within minutes.

We're going to Hawaii on Friday -- flying from Portland. I bet you'll have fun on the beach. More to come!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

21 Weeks

I was right, you were teething. Yesterday I noticed you had a tiny sharp spot on your front bottom gums (Dad and I call them your platelets). Today after I got back from one of my two days of work this month, I could see small white slits peeking through your soft gums. When you bit down on my finger it felt sharp! It's exciting -- you getting your first teeth -- but also a little bittersweet. You're growing up! And so fast! I just love your gummy smile... I'll be a little sad to see it go.

Not last night but the night before you slept for almost 6 hours straight. That was the first time in almost a month! I wonder if now that your first teeth are done hurting you'll sleep better. Not that it's too bad, though. I count myself lucky that I don't get out of bed in the cold night. I can hear your breath next to me (and your little squeaks when you wake up at 1am!).

Right now you're sitting in front of Dad's fishtank while he cleans it. You're making a wide repertoire of noises. Squealing, yelling, ahhhing, la la ing. You sound so happy. Dad says you're talking to the fish... a marine biologist in the making?

I've been checking out a great website lately about babies and parenting: www.askdrsears.com It has lots of advice that I love and take to heart when I wonder about your growing self.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

20 Weeks

You are such a beautiful little person. Lately we’ve really noticed how you are starting to have your own special personality – you are already such an individual. You seem to be very sensitive to your surroundings. You have already started noticing our cat, Winston, and you listen to everything that happens around you when we go somewhere else. If it is too noisy you don’t like it very much. You like to go on walks and look at all the leaves and trees.

Also, you seem to be someone who loves (needs!) to be close to other people. You do not like to sleep in your crib very much – in fact you can be impossible to lie down because you are so sensitive you wake up right away (except for the occasional nap). You’d much rather sleep in my arms or snuggled up right next to me and dad. You sleep in our bed and lately you’ve been waking up every 2 or 3 hours. I think it’s because you’re teething and have become so aware of your surroundings. I usually don’t get out of bed, though, I just snuggle you or nurse you and you go back to sleep. Sometimes it’s hard when you wake so much, but we’re usually rested and happy in the day. In the mornings you wake up early (about 5:30 or 6) right before dad gets up and you make funny noises and kick your feet. Sometimes if we’re lucky on the weekends you’ll sleep to 8 or even 9! It’s like you know it’s Saturday or Sunday!

You’ve started experimenting with all the sounds your mouth makes – raspberries, yelling, trying to make baby sentences. It’s hilarious to listen to – sometimes you look at me very seriously and “talk” on and on.

Let’s see… what do you like lately? You seem to love the book Goodnight Moon and will touch the pictures as I read it to you. You also love to grab my hair. You are teething now, and drool CONSTANTLY. When we lift you up in the air (dad does it best) you smile big and then a huge drool bomb comes out of your mouth, landing on our face or clothes. You chew on your fingers all the time – but won’t chew on toys too much. You don’t like pacifiers either.

Big milestones – you started rolling over when you were about 3 ½ months old. Most other babies don’t roll over that early. And you can do it both ways now, so you love to flip around. We lay you on the carpet with your diaper off and you squirm around, getting your knees under your little butt like you’re going to stand up. It’s so funny to watch. You really don’t cry all that much anymore. In fact, now that I think about it, over the past week you’ve hardly cried at all – maybe a total of an hour! You have started to realize that we’re here for you when you need us, anytime, so now you have a repertoire of baby “complaining” noises that you can use instead of crying, including “uh, uh, uh” “ahhhhh!!!” or breathing fast.

All in all you are so much fun and such an adorable, loving baby. I just love watching you, letting you grow how you need to, taking care of you, and listening to you.